Fire Safety Checklist and Scavenger Hunt

This mail service is sponsored past First Alert as office of the Mom Information technology Forward Influencer Network. All opinions are 100% mine.

This calendar week is National Burn Prevention Week (and the calendar month of October is Fire Prevention Month). We have done lots of fun fire safety activities over the years, but the very deplorable and very Real fact is that over 3,000 Americans die from firm fires every single twelvemonth. So many of these deaths could have been prevented by taking the necessary precautions to ensure your family is prepared in instance of a fire.

As parents, NOTHING is more of import than protecting our children and keeping them safe. By taking just a few minutes a year, you lot can rest assured that your family is prepared in case of a fire.

Family unit Evacuation Plan

Only 27% of families have discussed a plan on what to do with their children in case of a burn down. When creating a programme with your family, make sure you tin identify 2 ways out of each room – which can include windows and doors – and brand sure everyone in the home understands the plan.

Fire Safety Checklist and Scavenger Hunt

Download our Fire Prophylactic Scavenger Hunt here.

My boys at the meeting place…away from the business firm, close to the mailbox but far enough from the road to be condom.

Smoke Alarms

The first line of defense for burn down prevention that the National Burn down Protection Clan (NFPA) recommends is ensuring that you have properly functioning fume alarms installed throughout the home – one on each level and in every bedroom. This might seem similar overkill to accept a fume alarm in every bedroom, but we would much rather exist safe than sorry.

We've partnered with First Alarm to aid you become a Super Prepared Family unit. Download our gratis printable Fire Condom Checklist for families. Likewise included in this fun printable pack is a Scavenger Hunt for Kids and a Fume Alarm Check Sheet.

Fire Safety Checklist and Scavenger Hunt

Carbon Monoxide

Just as important in the cold winter months is a carbon monoxide (CO) detector. If y'all take any type of natural gas in your home (used to provide heat through your furnace) or if your garage is attached to your house, you need a carbon monoxide detector. Often dubbed "the silent killer," CO is a colorless and odorless gas that is impossible to detect without an warning. Compounding the result and concern is that CO poisoning is notoriously difficult to diagnose – often until it's too late. Co-ordinate to the Centers for Disease Command and Prevention, at that place were a total of 2,244 deaths resulted from unintentional carbon monoxide poisoning between the years of 2010-2015, with the highest numbers of deaths each year occurring in winter months (Dec, January, and February).

Super Prepared Family

Kickoff Warning is inviting you to go a "Super Prepared Family". Here are just a few of their products that can be instrumental in helping proceed your family safe. All of these alarms have a 10-year life and you won't accept to replace any batteries for the entire 10 years!

First Alert 10 Year Smoke Alarm

  • TOP LEFT:  The SA3210 is great overall protection because it has both types of fume sensors recommended by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA).
  • Pinnacle Right:  The P1010 is a squeamish addition to your dwelling house'south safety, ideal for the chamber.
  • BOTTOM LEFT:  The CO710 is a squeamish table-tiptop addition, and can be easily added to whatever room.
  • Bottom RIGHT:  The PRC710 provides both fume and CO safety.

First Alert helps you become a Super Prepared Family!

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